Part of our new format for See, Believe, & Achieve is our guest blogger series. These are individuals from around the world who are part of our SBA family and who have put together mental health and wellness tips to share with our readers. What I really love about this new addition is that it really adds to our mission of creating an online mental health community and allows us all to learn new ways to stay and be healthy in so many ways. Our first guest blogger for SBA is Jennifer Scott. In reading over e-mails, I came across her note and was very honored to "meet" someone who was open and willing to share some insight with readers. Thank you, Jennifer for being part of our See, Believe, & Achieve family and THANK YOU for taking the time to share this insightful and helpful post. If you have some mental health and wellness tips you'd like to share with our readers, feel free to contact us! Happy reading, Ane Photo Credit: Pexels, Pixabay Suicide ...
Welcome to the blog dedicated to overall well being, mental health, and goal setting skills. "See, Believe, and Achieve" was founded by Ane to share her love for life and focus on promoting positive solutions to deal with every day life/social changes. If you or someone you know is in immediate crisis please contact your local crisis hotline or 1-800-273-TALK. Contact us today to book Ane for your next school or community event! We thank you for stopping in!