Today's blog stems from several discussions I have had with others, regarding the topic of "crisis." The term crisis is defined as a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. Sometimes it is those overwhelming moments where a situation is out of control; words start spilling out of your mouth during a heated argument and before you know it you're giving them a piece of your mind and then some. Maybe you find yourself behind the worse driver on the planet and all of a sudden you're blaring the horn and giving a one finger salute, only to realize the eyes glaring back at you in complete shock belong to.....your boss! Eeeek! This my friends is a "moment of crisis," then what follows afterwards is the feeling of regret and wonder as to what came over you to act that way? How could we not see the consequences of our words or actions? While we have no control over many situations in our lives, I hope to share with you a technique I learned to help ...
Welcome to the blog dedicated to overall well being, mental health, and goal setting skills. "See, Believe, and Achieve" was founded by Ane to share her love for life and focus on promoting positive solutions to deal with every day life/social changes. If you or someone you know is in immediate crisis please contact your local crisis hotline or 1-800-273-TALK. Contact us today to book Ane for your next school or community event! We thank you for stopping in!