"Vivir Mi Vida" by Marc Anthony ( Link for Lyrics in English)
A new year is upon us and with that comes the list of resolutions and goals. After almost a year away from my blog, I was eager for 2015 to arrive to reconnect with you all again. This time of year has to be one of my favorite, as it embodies the spirit of what my work is all about; envisioning goals and dreams (See), standing outside the comfort zone (Believe), and watching as all the pieces manifest from dreams to reality (Achieve). Our destiny in life is not bound by life's setbacks or circumstances,. Today is the start of your 365 day journey to who and where you want to be. With that I leave you with Marc Anthony's song "Vivir Mi Vida," which is my anthem for 2015. My friends, we only live once, so next time you think about giving up, ask yourself this question--What do I want my legacy to be?
Living with intent in 2015
Mindfulness: be present, be aware, connect with all senses, and breath.Mental Fitness: Most folks tend to worry about the physical while totally ignoring the mind, which for me is the most crucial part of being healthy. Sometimes sitting in silence is what we need to find the way. Always remember tat there is no health without mental health.
Food Conscious: Your body is your temple, which is reflected in how you fuel it. Be respectful of of food and nourish it as away to thank it and always be sure to hydrate with H2O. I have noticed a major difference in my body and how I feel since giving up soda and consuming more fruits and vegetables. At times it is a struggle, but giving up how great I feel now for a bag of Funyons just doesn't appeal to me anymore.
Minimize: Less is more- declutter your home, your heart, and your mind to create an environment conducive to creativity and ideas. Where you live affects how you live. Clutter fills the mind, minamalist living leaves room for not just thoughts, but clear thoughts.
Let it Go: (yest just like the song says) Material things do not define you. Old relationships do not define you. The more you hold onto the less room you have for new experiences to come your way. A few years ago I began a yearly ritual where I purged my home of items that were no longer useful or needed. Growing up we did not have much money, so when I bought something it became a physical symbol of my hard work, making it difficult to let go. Getting older I have learned to invest in myself and on things that help me grow and save for my future. My mantra is; If it doesn't help you grow then let it go. Which applies to all aspects of life as well.
Relationship Building: Show an attitude of gratitude to family and friends who have been and continue to be there for you. Relationships are nourishment for the soul and must be tended to. Sending a note of thanks or text message can make all the difference. Do not get so "busy" you forget about those that matter.
Happy New Year!
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