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Showing posts from April, 2012

Stained Glass

Stained Glass ( Photo by Shawn O'Connell) Let me share a little secret I've learned about life. You can never break someone, who has figured out how to create stained glass from all the tiny pieces. Never underestimate your own strength. :) With love, Ane :) 

A Sister = A Forever Friend

I dedicate today's blog to my little sister and all the sisters of the world (big and small). (Don't worry brothers you'll soon have a blog of your own)  A Sister = A Forever Friend This is just a quick post about someone who is such a major part of my life and essential to my mental health and well being. My sister. I was motivated to post after one of our daily phone calls- because no matter what is going on in life, talking to her for even just 2-minutes makes me happy. She is an amazing human who constantly inspires me to be a better person. She is a superhero mom that does it all. I have no clue how she juggles everything with such grace and still manages to look as if she just stepped out of a magazine. No matter what happens in life, she will always be my sister and my forever friend. I heart her so much I can't even tell you where it begins and ends. For me, family is what roots are to a tree. They keep me grounded, give me life, allow me to blossom, and gro...

Thinking Outside of the Box

"Great is the human who has not lost his childlike heart." — Mencius  Caine's Arcade Today my co-worker sent me a super rad video about a 9-year old boy named Caine from East Los Angeles, who built his own arcade out of cardboard boxes. He runs the arcade out of his dad's used auto part store and even used his own toys as many of the prizes. You HAVE to watch the video to see how amazing this story really is. His innovation is captivating and humbling. In a society plagued with digital gadgets (ahem yes, that includes you reading this on your iPhone/iPad haha), Caine reminded me of how important it is to not lose your ability to be creative. His story gives new meaning to the term "think outside the box!" He literally did just that and more than anything I believe Caine's Arcade sets a good example to us all of what can be accomplished by using our imagination. Growing up I remember making the most elaborate things out of boxes or things found around...

See You At The Gym! On The Road To Becoming Physically and Mentally Fit.

I like many others made a resolution to get fit- both financially and physically. If I could do it once (during my pageant days), of course I could do it again, right? After two days of weight training (5 lb dumbbells) and stair climber I could barely lift my arms to get dressed in the morning, much less get in and out of my car without wincing. As I sat reeking of Icy Hot , reality set in...and it wasn't pretty. I was out of shape! Being physically fit definitely contributes to being mentally fit. A study by Arizona State has proven the positive effects related to mental health, through physical fitness. Findings showed that consistent exercise decreased feelings of anxiety and depression, and increased self-esteem, ability to deal with stressful situations, and contributed to better sleep patters. It is also hypothesized that regular exercise can combat the onset of depression (although further study needed to be done). Today, it is estimated that 1 out of every ...

Spring Has Sprung

Is it just me or did winter seem to stay longer than welcomed? Well folks the weather is progressing and everything here in DC is in bloom, which means spring has finally arrived and a new season call for new adventures and planning. Spring cleaning is in full effect, but instead of a Clorox wipe down of my living space, I'm focusing on the personal aspects- physical, mental, and emotional. Winter has its way of weighing us down with stress over the holiday season, bulky sweaters, and all those baked good we just couldn't seem to hide from. Well spring has officially sprung which means it is time to shed your cocoon and spread your wings little butterfly! I am happy to report that in March I began a new physical journey to get back into "woot woot" shape. Physical health intertwines mental health and I thought it would be interesting to come up with a starter plan to help others. This meant I would need to get started first. So, if you are wondering where I was i...